這是我最喜歡的歌手傑克強森-可恥的淚crying shame 跟大家分享一下
覺得不錯的可以上網或買張正版去感受一下這一首歌囉,這是在仲夏夜之夢裡面的其中一首,仲夏夜之夢in between dreams(仲夏夜之夢) 2005-3出版。

Crying Shame 可恥的淚 英文歌詞翻譯是從奇摩知識WAYNE回答的文章擷取過來的。
It's such a tired game 一場令人疲倦的遊戲....
Will it ever stop 有停下來的一天嗎?
How will this all play out 這一切將要如何結束?
Both sides out of mind now 現在,兩邊都失去理性了
By now, we should know how to communicate 現在, 我們不是應該早就學會如何溝通?
Instead of coming to blows 而不是互相攻擊
We're on the road and there ain't no stopping us now 我們已經踏上這條不歸路,
We're burning under control 我們在控制之下燃燒
Isn't it strange how we're all burning 是不是有點奇怪:
Under the same sun 我們在同一個太陽下燃燒...
By now, they say if it's a war for peace 現在, 他們說”戰爭是為了和平,”
It's the same old game 這又是場一樣的老遊戲
But do we really wanna blame 但是我們真的要互相怪罪嗎?
We could close our eyes, it's still there 我們可以把眼睛閉上,而一切卻還是在那
We could say it's us against them 我們可以說是我們對抗他們
We could try but nobody wins 我們可以繼續嚐試,但沒人會贏
Gravity has got ahold on us all 但地心引力吸住了我們
We could try to put it out 我們可以嘗試去撲滅
But it's a growing flame 但那是一把增強中的烈焰
Using fear as fuel 拿恐懼當燃料....
Burning down our name 燒掉我們的名譽
And it won't take too long 而且不會花太多時間
Cause words are burned the same 因為所有的言語都會燃燒
Then who are we gonna blame 那現在, 我們要責怪誰?
Now and all 永遠都是...
It's such a crying, crying, crying shame 真是把可恥的, 可恥的淚
It's such a crying, crying, crying shame 真是把可恥的, 可恥的淚
It's such a crying, crying, crying shame 真是把可恥的, 可恥的淚
Shame, shame, shame 羞恥, 羞恥, 羞恥
By now, it's beginning to show 現在, 一切變得很明顯...
A number of people, their numbers that ain't coming home 多少人....多少不能回家的人
I could close my eyes, it's still there 我可以把眼睛閉上,而一切卻還是在那
Close my mind, be alone 關上我的想法,並獨自一人
I could close my heart and not care 我可以關上我的心且不在乎
But gravity has got ahold on us all 但地心引力吸住了我們
It's a terrific price to pay 我們將付出極大的代價
But in the true sense of the word 但實話實說...
Are we using what we've learned 我們有將學到的學以致用嗎?
In the true sense of the word 實話實說...
Are we losing what we were 我們是否逐漸失去自我?
It's such a tired game 一場令人疲倦的遊戲....
Will it ever stop 有停下來的一天嗎?
It's not for me to say 輪不到我來決定
And is it in our blood 這是我們的本性
Or is it just our fate 還是我們的命運...
And how will this all play out 這一切將要如何結束?
Both sides out of my mind now 兩邊都失去理性了
Who are we gonna blame, all and all 我們要責怪誰? 所有和所有的人
It's such a crying, crying, crying shame 真是把可恥的, 可恥的淚
It's such a crying, crying, crying shame 真是把可恥的, 可恥的淚
It's such a crying, crying, crying shame 真是把可恥的, 可恥的淚